Over-Deliver to Win in the Content Game

The internet is overflowing with content, and just showing up doesn’t cut it anymore. If you want to truly stand out, you’ve got to over-deliver based on what people expect from each platform.



Post by @officialmbecker
View on Threads



Here’s the idea:

When people open a Twitter Thread, they expect quick takes or hot tips. But if you can drop a deep, valuable thread that actually teaches them something new, you’re going to stand out.

For blog posts, people want more than opinions—they want practical, detailed guides. Treat it like an instruction manual that takes them from A to Z.

With podcasts, casual chats won’t cut it anymore. Listeners want insight that leaves them thinking, “I can’t believe this is free.”

On YouTube, we’ve moved past simple vlogs. If your videos look like they could be on Netflix, that’s when people take notice.

Even livestreams have evolved. They’re the modern-day webinar—people tune in expecting polished, value-packed content they can engage with.

The bottom line? Over-deliver on the expectations for each format. That’s how you break through the noise and create content that sticks.


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