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Introducing Kangen Water

Kangen Water®, also known as “Miracle Water,” is created through Enagic’s innovative water technology. Not only do Enagic’s devices filter your chemical-infused tap water, but they also produce ionized, electrolyzed, alkaline, and acidic waters through electrolysis. These waters can be used for various purposes, including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning. Known for its healing properties, Kangen Water has helped thousands across the globe recover from seemingly incurable illnesses and diseases.

My Story

I’d never felt right about drinking tap water growing up. There was always an intuitive whisper urging me to change how I consumed my H2O. Although I loved water and hydration was key for me as a high school athlete, I continued to choose the “easy” method and filled up gallons of tap water. I was proud to be known as the guy with the jug because it meant I cared about my health and hydration.

As a weightlifter, runner, and bicyclist throughout college, I maintained this habit. I believed others who neglected their hydration were missing out on muscle gains, cognitive functioning, and peak performance. What I didn’t realize was that tap water is infested with nasty, toxic chemicals.

My ignorance persisted until my awakening in 2018, when I discovered the truth about our water and found Kangen.

Why Kangen Water?

Kangen Water is not just another product; it’s a movement towards a healthier, more vibrant life. Here’s why Kangen Water is a game-changer:

  • Superior Hydration: Provides optimal hydration, promoting better health and vitality.
  • Antioxidant Rich: Helps combat oxidative stress and boosts your immune system.
  • Alkaline Properties: Balances your body’s pH levels, improving overall wellness and energy.

I invested immediately, recognizing the opportunity to drink the world’s healthiest reverse-osmosis water for life and earn money as an independent distributor.

The Business

Enagic, the manufacturer and sponsor, relies on a unique business model that places independent distributors at the heart of its sales strategy. This approach not only allows for a more personalized and effective marketing experience but also creates numerous opportunities for individuals to achieve financial independence and personal growth. Here’s how Enagic leverages its network of independent distributors:

Direct Sales Model

Enagic uses a direct sales model, which means products are sold directly to consumers by independent distributors rather than through traditional retail channels. This model has several key benefits:

  • Personalized Service: Distributors provide one-on-one consultations, demonstrations, and support, ensuring customers fully understand and appreciate the benefits of Kangen Water.
  • Immediate Feedback: Direct interaction with customers allows distributors to gather valuable feedback and address any concerns or questions promptly.
  • Building Relationships: Distributors build lasting relationships with customers, fostering trust and loyalty that drive repeat business and referrals.

Enagic Commission and Payout Structure for Distributors

Enagic’s commission and payout structure is designed to reward distributors generously through a multi-tiered system that emphasizes both direct sales and team building. Here’s a comprehensive summary of how it works:

Key Components of the Commission Structure:

  1. Points System:

    • Each sale generates up to 8 points of commission.
    • Each point is valued at approximately $340.
    • Commissions are paid out within 10 days of the sale, ensuring prompt and regular income.
  2. Direct Sales and New Lanes:

    • Every direct sale opens a new lane, which is a new income stream.
    • To reach the 6A rank, a distributor could potentially only need to sell 7 machines directly (one direct sale to open each lane). The remaining required sales (93) can be achieved through the distributor’s team.

      3. Vertical Movement of Points:

    • Points move up vertically within the distributor’s network, allowing for residual income as team members make sales.

Rank Advancement and Group Sales:

  • 1A (1 Sale): Entry-level rank after the first sale.
  • 1A (2 Sales): Maintains the 1A rank after the second sale.
  • 2A (3-10 Sales): Achieved after 3 to 10 group sales, increasing the commission rate.
  • 3A (11-20 Sales): Reached after 11 to 20 group sales.
  • 4A (21-50 Sales): Attained after 21 to 50 group sales.
  • 5A (51-99 Sales): Secured after 51 to 99 group sales.
  • 6A (100 Sales): The highest standard rank, reached after 100 group sales.

Financial Benefits and Examples:

  • Commission per Sale: Each sale provides multiple points of commission, with each point worth approximately $340.
  • Example Earnings: For a Quad sale, a distributor earns a substantial commission by leveraging multiple points. Selling a Quad can earn a distributor around $1,810. When team members make similar sales, the distributor continues to earn until the team member ranks up and starts earning the full commission themselves.
  • Residual Income: Distributors earn residual income from their team’s sales, providing a steady and growing income stream as the team expands.
  • Not an MLM or pyramid scheme. The payout plan is patented and it’s not like one person at the top gets rich. With this model, sponsors are eventually phased out.

Let’s look at two of the most common ways to begin as a distributor: with a simple K8 purchase or a larger-scale Quad.

Starting with a K8 Investment:

This is the simplest and “cheapest” way to begin your business. One K8 is $4,980 and you can see how you’d earn commission below if this is how you wanted to begin:

Starting Strong with a Quad Investment:

Investing in a Quad (two K8s, one Anespa shower filter, and one Ukon Turmeric subscription) is a strategic move for those serious about their Kangen Water business.

Starting with a Quad ($15,000) allows you to maximize your earning potential right from the beginning. Here’s a breakdown of the earnings you can expect:

  1. Initial Investment: Purchasing a Quad involves buying two K8s, one Anespa, and one Ukon Turmeric subscription. This investment positions you to earn multiple commissions immediately.
  2. Immediate Commissions: By purchasing the Quad, you sell the Anespa from your sponsor and sell the other three products to yourself, earning a commission on your purchases. This can result in an initial commission of $720.
  3. Higher Rank and Earnings: With a Quad, you start with both of your 1A lanes filled (three sales), allowing you to begin as a 2A. You will automatically earn three points of commission on each product sale made. For example, selling another Quad can earn you $1,810. Each time a member of your downline sells a Quad, you earn the same amount until they reach a higher rank and you are phased out.

This is how I went in on Kangen – with a Quad.

Why Begin with a Quad?

  1. Sell What You Buy: You’ll be in alignment to more effectively speak about, advocate for, and sell Quads by starting with one.
  2. Serious Commitment: By investing in a Quad, you make an energetic statement that you are serious about your business.
  3. Recurring Ukon Subscription: The Ukon renews 3x per year, earning you 3 points each year solely from your Ukon.
  4. Loaner K8: Use the extra K8 to give leads a hands-on experience with the water.
  5. Control of Franchises: The path to 6A2-3 will be more easily and quickly attainable by opening multiple franchise lanes.

Who Should Begin with a Quad?

  1. If you’re looking to make a serious investment in your financial future, hydration, and overall wellbeing.
  2. If you have a large audience or platform that trusts you and would be receptive to entrepreneurship.
  3. If your goal is to maximize income potential.

Community and Support

Enagic places a strong emphasis on community and support, recognizing that the success of its distributors is key to the company’s overall success. Distributors benefit from:

  • Training Programs: Ongoing education and training programs help distributors stay up-to-date with product knowledge and sales techniques.
  • Mentorship: Experienced distributors provide mentorship and guidance, helping new members navigate the business and achieve their goals.
  • Recognition and Incentives: Enagic celebrates the achievements of its distributors through recognition programs, awards, and incentives, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Additionally, you will have me as your lifelong sponsor and partner. Since I have a stake in your success, I am incentivized to help you sponsor more people in and sell more machines.

Residual Income

By building a team of distributors, you earn residual income from their sales. Each distributor you recruit creates a new lane, and you earn commissions from their sales, creating a steady stream of income.

Bonuses and Incentives

Achieving sales targets unlocks additional bonuses and incentives. These can include cash bonuses, trips, and other rewards designed to motivate and reward your efforts.

Success Stories: Real People, Real Results

Hear from some of our successful distributors who have transformed their lives with Kangen Water:

John D. – Former Corporate Employee “Joining Kangen Water has been a life-changing decision. Not only have I improved my health, but I’ve also achieved financial independence. I now have the freedom to spend more time with my family and travel the world.”

Lisa M. – Stay-at-Home Mom “As a stay-at-home mom, I was looking for a way to contribute financially to my family. Kangen Water provided the perfect opportunity. The flexible schedule allows me to work around my kids’ needs, and the support from the team is incredible.”

How to Get Started

Getting started as a Kangen Water Distributor is simple and straightforward:

  1. Sign Up: Complete the registration form on our website.
  2. Receive Your Starter Kit: Get all the tools and materials you need to begin.
  3. Start Selling: Use our training resources to kickstart your sales journey.
  4. Build Your Team: Recruit others and grow your business exponentially.

Making the Investment

Enagic doesn’t expect you to pay outright — there are various financing options available. Let me know if you’d like to learn more about these.

Join Us Today and Transform Your Life

Are you ready to take control of your future and join a community of like-minded individuals committed to health, wellness, and financial freedom? Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the Kangen Water revolution.

Contact Me

The next step is to email or text me if you would like to learn more.