Become an Irreplaceable Linchpin

Don’t get paid for the work itself.

Get paid for the energy required to make the work special.

That starts with identifying and believing in your distinctive value.

For internet entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and knowledge workers, your value isn’t in what you do—it’s in how you do it.

It took me damn near a decade to understand this.

To truly stand out, you have to have a private, proprietary process.

Distill your process and tweak it into a machine that makes art.

Never fully give away your true secrets. But allude to them.

Document your journey—let others see the magic behind the scenes.

Show them the struggle, the breakthroughs, the dedication.

It’s not enough to be different. You need to communicate why your approach stands out.

Explain your methodology, your mindset. And drive real results.

Then make sure it’s understood why your results are superior.

Storytelling means sharing the knowledge and experiences that shape your work.

Stories help others understand the depth of your expertise.

It’s okay to discuss the results you’ve achieved and the value you’ve created.

People need to know that you’re someone who makes things happen and have the track record to prove it.

What does that look like?

Case studies that highlight your unique approach. Testimonials that speak to your exceptional value. A vault of value that shows the evolution of your outcomes.

Those not positioning themselves as thought leaders are at a distinct competitive disadvantage.

You need a personal brand, and you need to promote that brand.

Your name should be synonymous with quality and finesse. Cultivate a reputation that precedes you.

Realize: your clients and collaborators aren’t just hiring a worker—they’re investing in a visionary and compensating for the artistry, not the hours.

The real value of your work lies in the energy you bring to it.

Decouple your inputs from your outputs.

Get paid for the masterpieces that only you can paint.


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